
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Danielle Cunningham Says No I am Not pregnant ?

Wow after receiving an email about Danielle Cunningham. The email was a fan asking is she pregnant and why is she now denying it. Well for starters, the reason Danielle Cunningham even mention her even being pregnant.Was simply because,one of her Good friends that turned sour told her that they would speak up. So Danielle played it smart and figured she would throw her business out there before We found out from her old bfff.

Well within a few days after visiting the doctor she is Not pregnant NOW. didn't she clearly see the line saying you are Pregnant. If she Did lose the Baby our hearts go out to her. If this was Danielle way of getting fans for her fan page our her website or to be in articles this was the wrong way to do it.

We hate bring old topics back to life but, this is getting to be to much now ..... First Danielle promised a young lady $100.00 for a gift card to get her more fans. Which the lady did then She promised a boutique that if they mail her baby items. Danielle  would take pictures so the boutique can use them for advertisement. Well Danielle didn't stand up to her part. We don't know what to believe anymore.

Keep in mind this is our own thoughts.We believe that when MTV got wind of this whole news " Her even being or thinking she is pregnant" they properly contacted her :" Danielle" and reminded her of the contract. Thanks for reading this now we got a major headache !

Monday, October 3, 2011

Oooooops She is Pregnant!..

                             I really wish this was a lie but, Danielle is Pregnant again . This was confirmed on her fan page and her website.