
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nikkole Paulun Blows out her birthday candles toDay ;D

                               Nikkole Paulun 

Nikkole from the cast of MTV 16and pregnant. Blows out her birthday candles today by turning  18 years old  today. We asked her how would she celebrate and she responded "PARRTTTTTTTy " kudos for and blessing for turning 18 and being a great mom ;D  Happy birthday !!! Feel free to send her birthday wishes to!/nikkoleMTV

This is my cuz ! I swear

the girl in this picture her  twitter is!/danabrianne25

Well, we got wind that mikeLush was on twitter saying " I am on stickom now Go".
 Um excuse you ;O . So I went just to see what the hell this was  going to be about. Anyways, So I went on but, I wanted to video this shishhhhhh' Lol. I started to ask mike questions such as are you famous. I was just messing with him but, he was like in june I  will be.  Then he claims this  girl in the video is his cuz. Just a heads up why did he name this stickom after his cuz name. Ok ! Great I dont buy that do you. Then he called his mom and she screamed I am coming Mikey and we saw her for a glimpse and then he pulled the camera away from her .....Lol thanks mike for this laugh!

P.s mike has made his twitter private due to Who Knows........

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Uh O Danielle Cunningham :)

Uh O Danielle might be pr ego again. I hope it is a pr ego scare, That way she can stay focus on her son and work. It has Not Been  official that she is prego yet, but according to her fan page. That her and her best friend run " Suppose" she might be pr ego .One more idea, or just a heads up what was the whole point of this website she has created. Yes we said it Danielle runs that website a good source has showed us prove. Plus on her website when you click on the facebook link and the twitter link you are routed to Danielle Cunningham accounts . We honestly don't know what to believe anymore "Sorry " but, we smell fish with this whole thing. 
Good luck with everything you do danielle including the website you run ;)
feel free to check her fan page out!/DanielleCunninghamFanPage1
and her website

Monday, September 26, 2011

Farah left the world puzzled

Farah has left the world puzzled with did she leave sophia or not. As a parent that is such a hard decision that one has to make. I believe Farah did what was BEST for her daughter and herself. I have found an interview she has done with 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Who song is this theirs or his?

Wow, Is all I can say . As we was searching for a youtube video to rock to. We came across this video silly but, cute. Unfortunally they dont own the song they was reacting the song out. Kuddos for trying :D

Let's make it happen ! Teen Parents from the mtv cast

I have a dream or shall I say a favor to ask everyone. I cant stand all this bullying and fighting going on via Internet or face to face. I believe that since  people look up to the teen parents from the mtv cast. Also, at times some people like to follow there every move. Wouldn't it make sense for them to try to reach out to these teen parents.  To get a photo shoot of these teens and there baby's.So lets do our part and start a trend  #nohate. With all the cyber bullying and hateing going on it is only right. I hope this opens people eyes. We all  should  tweet!/bouska and write #nohateteenmommtv
Or send him this link. Hopefully it will work . I thank you <3

Friday, September 23, 2011

A boxing Match !

 As we checking our twitter. Our newsfeed happened to pop on this
Heather is like a generic version on the exact same thing you are doing?
in reply to ↑

 Heather Clouse
@ it's Danielle Cunningham from 16 & Pregnant trying to make money by copying TMT

Make A What?

               People are so into making a YouTube video.  I began to explore why and came up with my own conclusion its fun.  It also,gives that person away of showcasing there talent. Even if it is to dance, lip sing, rap &etc. Everyone that does it or watches it realize, that for that one moment that person was having fun.

             Why ? do I even mention this in a blog. Simply some people are being judged for having fun. Some people don't realize the stress that one has a teen parent or a single parent. Sometimes you want to escape for a minute while the kid or kids are all tucked in. So you may escape right in front of your computer with your friends or yourself and just show a stranger. Or shall I say the world on the Internet this is me love me or hate me. We tend not to worry what a stranger would or will say about us. especially if we know we are not going to ever see them again . I know go figure, so I put that to the test and Oh my.

So what is your YouTube again.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A christmas gift from Teen Mom 2 Cast:D

      Thank you to teen mom 2 cast we will get a Christmas present from them. What is the present they will air the teen mom 2 show sometime in December yay ! Kudos to them and us for being able to watch what really happens. Did Lea  get a divorce, Did Megan and Chelsea move back in as roomies and is Chelsey paying her bills now, Do Jenelle have full custody of her son and is she working and is  Kailyn  still with Jordon ?
These are all questions we have asked or thought of at one point seeing all there twitter back and forth . So the wait is coming to an end. We all will be watching this show with popcorn at hand. While we setup our holiday spirts in the house. I am pretty sure there twitter will be blown up once again but, keep this in mind they are under contract and cant tell us much as to they don't want to get sue.
Here are there real twitters:https:!/ChelseaHouska!/TM2LeahDawn!/PBandJenelley_1!/TM2Kailyn

In that note Welcome back teen mom 2 we missed you :D

Danielle Cunningham didnt Scamm No One #justsaying

 So as you all can remember ms. Danielle had a contest on her page a few months ago. The contest was to get Danielle some more fans so she can get a free website and get paid for it. Danielle has agreed to mail  the fan $100.00 gift card for a certain  store. Well, the fan has contacted us and said that they have never got the gift card after 2 months now. Wow, honestly Danielle did nothing wrong face book frowns on contest and the whole likening a page to win something. I guess that fan will learn that you don't play games on face book because that might come and bite you :D.  Unfortunately we will not see Danielle on any teen mom shows. MTV has decided to only keep the cast from teen 1 and 2 for the teen mom shows. On brighter notes Danielle is working crazy hours at her job and is enjoying the fact that she can provide for her son. Her real face book fan page is!/DanielleCunninghamFanPage1

She runs that page with 2 admins. Yes she sorta kinda got the website that her her friends run here is the link feel free to check it out :D 
Wishing you great things Danielle

Where did this cupcake come from?

So Kail, Where did you get this cute cupcake from?
This past week , the new topic on twitter was who sold her this cupcake? and who owned rights to this photo?  We put on our spy cap and began to snoop. It was so Hard, and annoying to see that one shop was being framed that they never sold her this cupcake and that this was not there idea. So I contacted a certain shop call charms something.  And told them I want this same charm she is wearing and then they told us to go in there albums and see because they might not have any left. That would make one wonder was they going to contact the real shop they stole this picture from and have them make it which is
GiNi's Clay Creations
That was weird so then we got wind from a fan that will stay anonymous that Charms have contacted kailyn on her fan page asking to send her some stuff to have pictures. and then telling her I know you support Gini Clay can you support my shop as well. This charm have even took it far and wrote on   this is what she wrote :D

 We are not knocking Charms but, she should not try to take someone else bread from them. Gini is not claiming the idea of this as her own. Gini did state that she to saw this clay idea  on a site and contacted the owner prior to doing anything and has made this her own.  What get us is that The charms Shop even took it far and started to contact all Gini's customer trying to sell to them #nobueno and that is why we are putting you on an article.
Ps. Gini has made a name for herself, She has worked hard for this and this was not an idea that she said overnight that she will do . This is a business that Gini is proud of . Please respect her and other boutique's out there . If you have to steal ones customer or pictures that mean this business is not for you.
In other notes lets get #Gini trending and keep reporting those  fake boutiques out there :D

Hello Miss Kailyn!

I just talked to you on Facebook but this will be much easier. I recently started a small business and I’m trying so hard to get the word out. I know you already have one but, I would love to send you one of mine. Your so popular and pretty and people look up to you. I know you know how hard it is to raise a baby and pay bills and everything. I have a full time job and it’s just not enough to support a 2 year old. So I would love to send you some necklace’s of my clay creations. /charms and I can make you anything you want. Just let me know what you would like and I’ll make them and send them to you for free. I’m Just hoping my page take’s off so it will help with taking care of my little boy. You can email me at  charm or if your not interested it’s okay I understand. I hope to hear from you!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Who is Toni, and why was she attacked?

This young lady named Toni is one of Kailyn from teen mom 2 good friends. People seem to hate on Kailyn through her friends now a days . Remember when we was a kid and our parents told us, if you have nothing nice to say keeps your mouth close. Well toni, has been nothing but, nice to people and a random stranger or can you say a hater finds the need to see hateful things about her and her family. That is so awful and people need to practice that new trend going on now #Nohate. I am not going to go in to details what the hater has said, but it was sick. Regardless Toni is a great friend to Kailyn with the hater approval or not. Lesson to the hater Toni is loved by many and hated by few. And if you wanted to get to know her come correct but, honestly you have destroyed that now. The hater has even took it far and made a hate page on Toni, which was recently deleted. Due to the many supportes that stand behind Toni including I . I haven't meet Toni but, she is A ok in my book. Can we let Toni stay out of your thought hater . :D
ily <3 Toni

Why is Jenelle Evans & Heather at it ?

At first it seemed cute and humorous to me and others. Jenelle states that heather makes up lies and gets her info from twitter. Wow that is kind of harsh but, that will make one think is it so. Well we have done our research and we plea the third. These two lady's go back and forth with each other. Don't Jenelle understand heather is trying to become known. If we was Jenelle we would play the drake song to heather to catch a clue. Anyways....... with that being said ms. Jenelle is doing great things she will be traveling Little bit: this is what she wrote on her face book---> c in October, Florida maybe in 2 weeks? haven't decided. doing lots of traveling though. :] .. Wish her luck and for heather can you let ms Jenelle breath ;D

So who Is N.I.C.K. b or Jon's Lady !

                      Hmmmmmmmm.... Scratching my head, It seems as though people like to know so much about him . So I digged the dirt and unfortunally he is squeaky clean. He is focused on his Son Izzy  first and his music thing. A few months ago he was dating A lady by the name of Vee. And honestly if they are still dating then who cares? Let them live and be happy and all that good stuff. It was sad that people feed into other people drama or make drama #nobueno. She seems to be focused on her thing and I believe everyone deserves a 2nd chance. Anyways Jon how is the music doing ! Here is the link for his music and his manager and No Vee had to make her twitter private due to hater's. Can you blaim her she need a barber to fade these hater away :D

Cara Mattessich are you the nanny or not?

                              Just like the rest of facebook. I can say we were  confused is Cara  the nanny or not? Well I did my own research and I found out that she is NOT the nanny. Cara moved with kailyn not to get famous but, to start a new life away from things.... Cara watches the baby proberly two days a week and is currently looking for work. Then the other question is why  is Cara living there for free? I beg to differ Cara is actually putting her part in things. Honestly it can we all put this to a rest Cara is Kailyn good friend and have been friends since 5 th grade. How do i know? Cara has a fan page and she tells all ?  .

Why do Cara have a fan page? Another good question, A fan has made the page for Cara and is a great supporter of her and Kailyn. Kuddos to that fan. Also, according to the fan page and what I have seen Cara and Kail have full control of the page annd they write on it alot.  So if you want to know anything about Cara feel free to like her fan page . That's enough about Cara, Can we all agree to let Cara live, laugh and be happy ;)